Thursday, December 9, 2010


I was reading a friend's blog today who lost her baby just a few months before our baby Joshua was born. She has been through a lot, and she is an amazingly strong person. It made me realize how very grateful I am for our little family. They each bring me so much joy. Yes, life has it's difficult moments and sometimes things are hard. But, there are so many more good times than hard times. There is so much to be grateful for. I love my children and I am SO grateful that they are healthy, and happy and so much fun to be with. I love it when Joshua opens his mouth really wide and gives me a big open mouth kiss on my cheek. I love it when out of the blue Jacob comes and gives me big bear hugs for no reason in particular and says "I love you mommy!" Then I say I love you too! and he always responds with I love you too! LIFE IS WONDERFUL!

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